Monday, May 5, 2008

Do u really share your feelings with your loved one.....

How much do u share your feelings with your loved ones? Do you make sure you share your feelings with them or do you shy away thinking it would hurt them? In fact did you know that your loved ones could get more hurt with your silence than when you speak your heart out. There is an old saying that "Silence is Golden". But not always.
This happened to me the other day. A person iam very close to me just stopped talking to me. When I asked him he just told me he was in a fix and then he just stopped talking to me. I kept on calling him and messaging him (Prob in a span of 12 hrs I sent him 200 msgs) but he never responded back. Then he messaged back saying u take care...I will be back soon.
Prob he thought not telling me would be better as I wont be tensed much. but how wrong he was. I was so tensed. Even though it is gonna be 2 days he didn't call me...I was on the verge of tears when he called me and let me know he was on trouble.
And yes after that I was able to let him think clearly and also have the issue resolved

So guys and gals remember by telling your problems to the people who love you, you could help resolve your issue than thinking that it would hurt them.

So Happy Sharing Darlings!!!!!

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